Reel Rock 19

Bli med oss lørdag 15.Mars og se disse tre filmene!

DEATH OF VILLAINS: A former child climbing-prodigy confronts his struggle with disordered eating to attempt his life-long dream of climbing a groundbreaking 5.15 first ascent, with the help of an unlikely, and controversial partner.

Featuring: Kai Lightner & Joe Kinder

RIDERS ON THE STORM: Three Belgian big-wallers endure eighteen days of howling snowstorms, frozen feet, and gnarly runouts in their attempt to make a long-coveted alpine first ascent. 

Featuring: Siebe Vanhee, Sean Villanueva O’Driscoll & Nico Favresse

THE COBRA & THE HEART: A turbulent 20-year saga of love, loss, and redemption: a whirlwind romance, a crushing defeat on a legendary climb, a religious epiphany, and family betrayal, all building to a desperate bid for a rare second chance—at love, fatherhood, and climbing.

Featuring: Didier Berthod, Thomasina Pidgeon & Cedar Pidgeon